Golden Recollections

Angelique- Clavis-sama, won't you climb up too?

Clavis- I, climb a tree?

Angelique- Oh, you can't climb a tree with that long robe on.

Clavis- I've never done it before... how should I do it?

Angelique- How is it? It's a lovely view, isn't it?

What a pleasant breeze blows here...

Angelique- Ufufu, I didn't think you'd really climb.
I thought the Guardians would be harder to approach.

Clavis- I may be a Guardian, but I'm not really different from a regular person. Rather,
it's an inconvenience. Enough so that I've never once climbed a tree.

Angelique- Ahahaha... How awful, Clavis-sama.

Angelique- ... Your eyes under the light look violet. You seem kind of a different person
than usual.

Clavis- Really?

Clavis- I thank you, Angelique. I didn't know the view seen from up in the tree was this

And so, that there was such a soft light in the world,
... I noticed for the first time.
