Golden Recollections
Julious- Wait, Clavis.
Julious- Her Majesty asking for our opinions means be aware of our responsibility as Guardians
who must shoulder the next era.
You can't do things the way you have been up until now.
Clavis- Yes... I know.
Julious- Clavis!
Luva- Now, now, Julious.
Julious- Luva, you too. You're always lacking in assertiveness as a Guardian.
Luva- Ah... yes.
Julious- A new Queen is to be chosen. We will be central and must support the next world.
Clavis- He's an inexhaustible person in a way.
Clavis- Who are you? What are you doing there?
Angelique- Clavis-sama?
Clavis- The golden haired... Queen Candidate?