Techniques at a Glance

a=1 ally, A=all allies, e=1 enemy, G=1 group, E=all enemies
剣法 Kempou - Manjimaru
Name Effect Target
紅丸斬 Benimarugiri Distributes damage, inflicts it on multiple enemies G
黒羽斬 Kurohagiri Inflicts heavy damage. But briefly leaves him paralyzed e
義経斬 Yoshitsunegiri You can attack multiple enemies, but accuracy is decreased G
女彦斬 Onnahikogiri Regardless of getting wounded, it inflicts heavy damage e
静乱斬 Shizukamidaregiri Penetrates the enemy's heart and goes into single combat e
三郎斬 Saburougiri Defeats an enemy in one attack! e
松虫斬 Matsumushigiri Cast aside your own defense to inflict great damage e
卍卍斬 Manjimanjigiri Use HP to inflict massive damage e
秘芸 Higei - Kabuki
Name Effect Target
悪態 Akutai Concentrates enemies' attacks on self self
大見得 Oomie Surprises one group of enemies, lowers defense G
飛げり Tobigeri Performs the certain kill Tobigeri attack e
心中物 Shinjuumono Attack inflicts damage on enemy and self at the same time e
にらみ Nirami Drives the enemies away with a menacing glare E
大寄せ Ooyose Summons enemies and raises the chances of battles  
黒子 Kuroko Kabuki hides his form and joins the battle from the shadows self
荒事 Aragoto Inflicts tremendous damage, but briefly leaves him paralyzed e
体術 Taijutsu - Gokuraku
Name Effect Target
胴締め Doujime Tightens around enemy and inflicts certain damage each turn e
頭突き Zutsuki Inflicts damage and simultaneously stuns that enemy e
体当り Taiatari A body blow attack. But, there is a chance of missing. G
胃液 Ieki Pours gastric juices on enemy, inflicts certain damage each turn e
突撃 Totsugeki Goes in the midst of the enemy and attacks e
大振り Ooburi Brandishing his huge weapon, attacks multiple enemies G
背水 Haisui Casts aside defense and devotes himself to the attack e
捨身 Sutemi Regardless of getting wounded, pulverizes the enemy e
鬼道 Kidou - Kinu
Name Effect Target
念動 Nendou Leap from enemies. It acts as Hagoromo or Hikinami scrolls  
鳥寄せ Toriyose Summons birds who join the battle  
?? Kinu =鬼怒 Oni Wrath e
予言 Yogen Feels the strength of the surrounding enemies  
霊体 Reitai Become sprits and you can see the condition of the area  
説得 Settoku Argues with the enemy and makes it stop fighting e
血桜 Chizakura Gives part of her own HP and MP to ally a
幽鬼 Yuuki Possesses an enemy and it attacks the other enemies e
