Scrolls at a Glance

a=1 ally, A=all allies, e=1 enemy, G=1 group, E=all enemies
Attack Type
Name Effect Target Cost Where J
SOnibi Hits enemy with fire powder. Fire-type technique e3atk 
ΓVKaten Powerful flame from sky downpours on enemy e10atk   
cNokoribi Continues to inflict a small amount of damage E13atk   
RGun'en Countless flames attack. About same damage as Katen G16atk   
_Jin'en Enemy is wrapped in terrible flames. Very powerful e30atk   
Raikou Attack comes from lightning. Thunder-type technique E4atk 
dRaiden Multiple strikes of lightning continue to hit enemy e12atk 
vJinrai Powered-up version of Raikou E14atk  
Shiden The 4th lightning technique. More powerful than Jinrai E26atk  
VTenrai Strongest thunder attack hidden in all the heavens E38atk  
Kazahana Hurricane attacks enemy. Wind-type technique G4atk 
Nowake Powered-up version of Kazahana G7atk   
ԗHanaarashi Storm surrounds all enemies. Best damage for wind-type E8atk   
_Kamikaze Attacks enemy with your own HP e12atk  
XnHyoujin Kills enemy with cold. Ice-type technique e6atk   
XHyouryuu Strong cold attack. 4 times damage of Hyoujin e23atk   
JUryuu Same damage as Hyouryuu. Affects one group G33atk   
Touryuu Attacks enemies, then freezes them G27atk   
Healing Type
Name Effect Target Cost Where J
Wakakusa Ally's strength recovers a little a3both
Ibuki Ally's strength recovers a medium amount a7both
aShouwa Ally's strength recovers a lot a13both 
xmFuji Ally's strength recovers to max a25both  
Hitachi Ibuki for all A20both 
LAriake Shouwa for all A36both  
Support Type- Ally
Name Effect Target Cost Where J
͉Rikiou Ally's attack power is raised a12atk 
ΎHihebi Allies' attack power is raised A26atk  
Kongou Ally's defense power is raised a5atk 
ΎIshihebi Allies' defense power is raised A12atk  
Kazehebi Allies' speed is raised A9atk  
ԍHanasaki Ally's magic accuracy is raised a12atk  
ǕOikaze Ally's magic continuation rate is raised a8atk  
Jouheki Don't sustain direct hits from enemy a26atk  
EKekkai Don't sustain magic hits from ememy a26atk  
RFYamabiko Magic and direct hits are bounced back a20atk   
Aomatsu Lasting magic, poison, acid are cured a4both  
vHisamatsu Lasting magic, poison, acid are cured A8both  
Name Effect Target Cost Where J
Kiyomizu Damage from poison and acid swamps has no effect A8mov 
HHagoromo Instant travel to villages and towns within country A6mov  
VlTenjin Instant travel to a location in another country A8mov   
gHikinami Escape from castles and caves A6mov  
ԓHanamichi Reduces the probability of meeting enemies A22mov  
Support Type- Enemy
Name Effect Target Cost Where J
Tsukiyomi Lowers enemy's attack power e4atk 
Gekkou Lowers enemies' attack power G7atk   
DDoromushi Lowers enemies' speed G4atk
~Fuyugare Lowers enemies' defense power G7atk 
zKagerou Lowers enemies' attack accuracy G5atk 
Butsumetsu Lowers success rate of attacks and magic G6atk  
Sentou Lowers enemy's intelligence e5atk 
Mantou Lowers enemies' intelligence G8atk  
QTsukine Puts enemy to sleep e8atk 
QHoshine Puts enemy to sleep G17atk   
YHahawasure Seals enemy's magic e5atk 
qYKowasure Seals enemies' magic G11atk  
nJigoku Enemy is confused then attacks itself G6atk   
l`Ningyou Manipulates an enemy and it attacks its allies e10atk   
Rangyuu Enemy is confused and can't discern its allies G6atk  
hYadorigi Attack the enemy's MP e1atk  
ASuihou Undoes magic cast by enemy G6atk  
Name Effect Target Cost Where J
ՉToraou Turns ally into a tiger a9atk   
Nigemizu Certain escape from enemy A20atk  
_Shikigami Shikigami appears and joins the battle  6atk  
OpSankaku Three devils appear and attack enemy  15atk   
ԉeAkakage Body dividing magic  17atk 
Houga Know the number of chests in room in caves and castles  1mov
Kouryuu Calls forth a dragon. But what happens...?  15atk   
