Menu Items
Starting the Game
起 Start
転 Continue
続き Continue
写す Copy
消す Erase
詳細 Details
Command Menu (brought up by II button)
状態 Status
個別 Separately
一覧 At a glance
徳 Experience
段 Level
体 HP
技 MP
攻撃力 Strength
守備力 Defense
素早さ Speed
巻物 Scrolls
術使う Use
渡す/交換 Pass/Exchange
捨てる Discard
奥義 Techniques
剣法 Kempou (Manjimaru)
秘芸 Higei (Kabuki)
体術 Taijutsu (Gokuraku)
鬼道 Kidou (Kinu)
道具 Items
使う Use
渡す/交換 Pass/Exchange
捨てる Discard
武具 Weapons
装備する Equip
渡す/交換 Pass/Exchange
捨てる Discard
?? Special commands for vehicles appear here
砲撃 Bombard (in some boats)
瞬移 Teleport (in Steel Castle)
Help Menu (brought up by SELECT button)
地図 Map
モード Mode
Walking speed: slow/fast
Message speed: 1/2/3/4 where 1 is the slowest and 4 is the fastest
Speaking, treasure: (I)/automatic
Use button I for speaking and opening chests, or by contact.
Avoidance correction: off/on
Automatically walk around small objects and corners. Turned on and off by RUN button.
作戦 Strategy
指揮/委任 Manual/Auto
These next three apply to Auto
最大損害/敵減らす Maximum damage/ Decrease enemies
防御優先/攻撃優先 Defense priority/Attack priority
回復のみ/巻物自由 Heal only/Use scrolls freely
Battle Menu
戦う Attack
剣法/秘芸/体術/鬼道 Techniques (see Command Menu)
突破 Run
巻物 Scrolls
備え Defend
守る Defend
かばう Cover
よける Avoid
状態 Status
持物 Equipment
道具 Items
武具 Weapons
作戦 Strategy (see Help Menu)
?? special command
砲撃 Bombard (in some boats, and Hayatori normal and boat type)
火炎 Flame (in Clay Robot)
魚雷 Torpedo (in Hayatori submarine type)
熱弾 Thermal Weapon (in Steel Castle)
宿泊/記録 Sleep/Save
宿泊のみ Sleep only
記録のみ Save only
やめる Quit
買う Buy
売る Sell
やめる Quit
預ける Store
引取る Retrieve
やめる Quit
武具 Weapons
道具 Items
巻物 Scrolls
金 Money