
A ジャッジ Judge
 Search Gort's statue for switch
B ドルイド祭壇 Druid Altar
 Magic: カノ Kano
C ドルイド祭壇 Druid Altar
 Magic: イサ Isa
D ドルイド祭壇 Druid Altar
 Magic: ベルナカ Bernaka
E クイーンズ Queens
 Talk to Paladin Alex in palace
 Talk to architect Nazare in house
 Go back to Judge to search statue
 After Okuni gets hurt,
 bring Fairy Dust for Okuni
 Okuni joins
 After defeating Sangue get
 Item: 勇者の剣 Hero Sword
F ゴート屋敷 Gort's Mansion
 Okuni gets hurt
 Sub-boss: キメラ Chimera
G 妖精の森 Fairy Forest
 Item: 妖精の粉 Fairy Dust
 Bring Holy Grail and fill with water
 from edge of spring to get
 Item: 聖水 Holy Water
H ロンドン博物館 The London Museum
 Item: 聖杯 Holy Grail
 Sub-boss: 千年のカルネ Thousand Year Karune
 Boss: 千年のカルネ Thousand Year Karune
 Use Holy Water to "finish"