京 Kyou

A 京の町 The Capital City
 Item: 手紙1 1st Letter
 After you get the letter and the money,
 pray at the shrine before you can leave.
 Go to the 茶 Tea House next to the theater
 and talk to the girls to be taken to
B 鳥羽村 Toba Village
 Item: 手紙2 2nd Letter
- ジョウコウ屋敷 Joukou Mansion
 Search statue for switch
 Sub-boss: カンビエ Kambie
 Item: 魔王の剣 Demon King Sword
C 伏見村 Fushimi Village
D 桃山鉱山 Momoyama Mine
- 鉱山内 Mine Interior
 Item: 硝酸石 Nitric Acid Stone
E 愛宕の獣道 Atago Animal Trail
F 嵯峨野村 Sagano Village
- 念仏寺地下 Nenbutsudera Underground
 Need Zeami to break the seal
 Item: 塩酸石 Hydrochloric Acid Stone
G 恩妙寺 Onmyouji
 Zeami joins
 Bring acid stones and Demon King Sword
 Item: 王水の剣 Aqua Regia Sword
H 嵐山温泉 Arashiyama Hotspring
 Item: 手紙3 3rd Letter
I 嵐山遊園地 Arashiyama Amusement Park
- 大門教会 Daimon Church
 Pull lever to open rides
 Put corresponding coins in slots and pull lever
 for staircase
- Roller Coaster
 Sub-boss: ネズミピエロ Mouse Clown
 Item: 鼠の金貨 Mouse Coin
- Eternal Maze
 Sub-boss: アヒルピエロ Duck Clown
 Item: 家鴨の金貨 Duck Coin
- Coffee Cups
 Sub-boss: 子象ピエロ Elephant Clown
 Item: 子象の金貨 Elephant Coin
- Horror House
 Sub-boss: 妖精ピエロ Fairy Clown
 Item: 妖精の金貨 Fairy Coin
J 忍の里 Ninja Village
K 金閣寺 Kinkakuji
 Get and use color keys with corresponding door
 to get 黄金の鍵 Gold Key
 Sub-boss: 黄金のカンビエ Gold Kambie
 Boss: 黄金のカンビエ Gold Kambie
 Use Aqua Regia Sword to "finish"