In a world where each cosmos is ruled by one Queen...
At the center of the cosmos is the "Sanctuary" where the Queen resides, along with nine godlike men called "Guardians" who support her. This story takes place in two cosmoses. One is the mature, bountiful and peaceful "Cosmos of the Divine Bird" which is protected by the Queen and Guardians. And the other is the newly born "Cosmos of the Holy Beast". There are no Guardians yet, the Queen supports it by her own efforts. And now a fearsome crisis is creeping near the "Cosmos of the Holy Beast". The 17 year old girl, Ange, is chosen suddenly one day as the "Legendary Etoile" who will save the cosmos. To Ange, who has always been alone and doesn't think she is special, the Sanctuary she is taken to and the Guardians are dazzling. Ange is bewildered in the face of her great mission... Supported by the nine Guardians, she begins a journey to discover her new self. |
Vol. 1- KEBH-1042, 3/17/04, 6,800 yen Making- KEBH-1046, 5/26/04, 3,800 yen Vol. 2- KEBH-1043, 7/21/04, 6,800 yen Vol. 3- KEBH-1044, 3/23/05, 6,800 yen |
Vol. 1- Oscar and Olivie, 3/27/02 Vol. 2- Randy and Timka, 5/22/02 Vol. 3- Zephel and Ernst, 7/24/02 Vol. 4- Julious and Charlie, 9/21/02 Vol. 5- Clavis and Arios, 11/27/02 Vol. 6- Luva and Mel, 1/22/03 Vol. 7- Marcel and Sei-Lan, 3/19/03 Vol. 8- Lumiale and Victor, 6/25/03 |