Angelique Gaiden
Chapter 4- Randy
Yura Kairi
Translation by
Julious- Regarding the Sacrea of Wind, I can safely say that there are no effects from the
Guardian alternation.
Her Majesty's power is also filling the world without a hitch.
Julious- Guardian of Wind, Randy.
Randy- ... Yes!
Julious- From now on, be aware of that responsibility and attend to your duties diligently.
Randy- Yes! I'll do my best, Julious-sama!
The Guardian of Light, Julious-sama.
Julious- I look forward to it.
He's young, but he's dignified and gives the impression of being a Guardian among Guardians.
Randy- We're retainers serving Her Majesty, we're also knights who protect Her Majesty.
*echoing footsteps*
Oscar- I'm going to train you rigorously, be prepared, boy.
Randy- Oscar-sama, please stop calling me boy.
The Guardian of Fire, Oscar-sama sometimes teaches me fencing.
Randy- A sword and long cape are cool after all.
He fits the word "knight" better than anyone.
Someday, I too will become a splendid Guardian protecting Her Majesty and shouldering the future
of the cosmos!!
Worthy of the Sanctuary.
Worthy of being Her Majesty's knight.
Randy- I have to do my best to become a Guardian like those two quickly.
Randy- ?
It's the Guardian of Dark, Clavis-sama
and the Guardian of Water, Lumiale-sama.
Julious- Clavis.
Isn't it strange, you visiting the Royal Research Institute.
Julious- Did you feel like considering yourself a Guardian a little?
Clavis- Not really... I merely thought that once in a while I'd like to see different scenery.
What is it!?
This freezing air...
Clavis- The new Guardian of Wind?
Clavis- I'll give you a piece of advice.
Wherever you go, don't forget your true nature.
You don't need to become anyone else.
Clavis- You'll understand eventually.
Julious- Randy, you don't need listen to that kind of person's nonsense!
Julious- Let's go.
Oscar- Yes.
Randy- U, um, I...
Lumiale- It's nothing to worry about.
Randy- Lumiale-sama.
Lumiale- It's normal.
I was shocked at first too, but it seems that's the way those two communicate.
Randy- Huh...?
Lumiale- Bye.
Come to think of it, this is the first time I've seen Clavis-sama and Julious-sama like that.
Personal relations in the Sanctuary seem profound.
Olivie- *nfufun* Look, look, Oscar.
Isn't something like this nice once in a while?
*Check it out, mysterious black hair.*
Oscar- Don't go walking to show off every single time.
It's indecent.
Olivie- How can you say that! As soon as you see a woman you make a pass at her.
Oscar- I'm intending to make a distinction between public and private life.
Oscar- You should turn that enthusiasm towards yourself to your work a little more.
Olivie- Oh come on, Julious just said that to me a little while ago.
*Call him Julious-"sama".*
Oscar- ...... Don't you add an honorific title to superiors, Olivie?
*How can you do deskwork looking like that...*
Olivie- You say Luva's name without an honorific, don't you?
Oscar- ......
Servant- Oscar-sama, the Guardian of Wind has arrived.
Randy- Hello.
Randy- I'm sorry, do you have a guest?
Oscar- It doesn't matter, don't worry about it. I had an appointment to teach you fencing.
Olivie- Hi.
Randy- How do you do.
My name is Randy.
Olivie- You don't recognize me? Seriously?
Randy- Oh, have we met somewhere? I don't recall...
*Trying to hide the mole...*
Olivie- Oh...?
Oscar- If your business is done, leave quickly. The office is beginning to stink of perfume.
Olivie- Hey, isn't that a cruel way to speak!?
Olivie- Does that mean good riddance?
Oscar- It's you. You're bound to have come up with something no good!
Randy- Um, Oscar-sama, if you're busy, I'll leave.
It's not good to take that kind of attitude with a woman.
Randy- Since you invited her to the Holy Palace, um... is she your girlfriend?
If she is, then you have to be nicer.
Oscar- Randy! That's not it.
Olivie- Oh, Oscar-sama, you're embarrassing me.
Oscar- Mmph!
Oscar- O, Olivi...
Olivie- If you interfere, I'll tell Julious about your behavior in town.
Olivie- *You're still playing innocent, aren't you?*
Oscar- What are you going to do!?
*pretending not to see*
Olivie- My name is Olivi...a, pleased to meet you, Randy-sama.
Olivie- Do your best on your sword practice.
Randy- Oscar-sama.
Oscar- Randy, don't say anything now.
*Don't make me say it.....*
*He's overcome. He's overcome.*
Oscar- Alright! Let's go out to the garden.
If I don't move my body, I won't be able to do it.
Randy- Yes.
Randy- Taah!
Oscar- Your balance is weak.
Randy- Shit.
Oscar- Oh.
*You're quick.*
Oscar- Wow.
You're making pretty good moves.
Olivie- It seems you're learning fast.
Olivie- *smooch*
Oscar- I told her she should leave right away.
Randy- Oscar-sama.
Oscar- Alright, let's make this it for today.
Randy- Yes, thank you!
Randy- Um, Oscar-sama.
Randy- Please be a little nicer to Olivia-san.
I think there's something strange, for a woman, her voice is low, she's tall, heavyset,
and her makeup is a little heavy, but
isn't she pretty?
Oscar- Randy... though you're able to make rational observations that much, how could you not
Oscar- She's,
Randy- ?
Olivie- Oscar-sama.
Olivie- What are you talking about?
Oscar- Uwa, you're here!
Olivie- *Well* That's harsh.
Olivie- Set your mind at ease. I've decided to say goodbye.
That's why I'm here, Oscar-sama.
Olivie- At least, as a final memento, won't you tell me you love me?
Oscar- Lo.. ve?
Oscar- How can you say something like that!!
Randy- Oscar-sama!!
*Stifling his laughter.*
Olivie- It's fine, Randy-sama.
There's a great difference in status between Oscar-sama and I. I'm giving it up as an
impossible love.
Olivie- *I laughed too hard and my mascara is...*
Randy- No.
A difference in status doesn't matter!
Olivie- Randy-sama?
Randy- I'm sorry. My father and mother also overcame the status of noble and commoner and
Randy- When I became a Guardian, my mother no longer felt ashamed, but up to then it had been
I'm going to become an excellent Guardian for the sake of my mother and younger sister.
Randy- Because my mother was a spirited person, she was always smiling. You mustn't give up
If the feelings of two people are genuine, there isn't any wall they can't climb over.
Randy- I'll try and make it so you can see Oscar-sama one more time.
"I'm going to become an excellent Guardian for the sake of my mother"?
Olivie- I thought he was a carefree, rich kid from the nobility.
But even he has plenty of problems.
I feel a little guilty...
Olivie- For the sake of the innocent boy, will the mysterious beauty, Olivia, disappear?
Now's the chance, isn't it?
Randy- Olivia-san?
Olivie- Farewell, Randy-sama, I won't forget you.
Randy- You mustn't give up, Olivia-san!
... That idiot.
He's jumping down from there!? Typical.
Olivie- Stop!!
Olivie- Huh!!?
Randy- Uwaa!
Olivie- Ow... ouch.
Randy- Ow, ow, ow...
Randy- Olivia-san, are you... alright?
Randy- !?
Olivie- Heh.
Randy- This hair is...
Randy- A wig?
... And a flat chest...
She's not a woman!!
Randy- ......
A man?
Olivie- I'm surprised.
Olivie- You have good reflexes.
*pat pat*
Blond hair and a flashy appearance...
*A match.*
Randy- You're...
Randy- You're the Guardian of Dream, Olivie-sama!?
Olivie- That's right.
Randy- You tricked me!!
Olivie- No, you don't notice much so I just... you know.
Randy- That's mean. I... I was really worried.
Olivie- Yeah... I'm sorry. I regret doing it.
*He's apologizing so meekly...*
Oscar- What bad luck, Randy.
Even I've had enough of being made to go along with his jokes.
*To think that he's a person who is cold to women.*
Randy- I'm sorry, I misunderstood you.
Oscar- I'm glad the misunderstanding has been cleared up.
Olivie- But you're too thick-headed too. You're the one who made the mistake at the start.
Randy- But with the makeup and wearing those clothes...
Olivie- Don't complain about a person's tastes!
Randy- ... I understand, alright then.
Randy- Oh.
I won't tell anyone about your relationship.
Oscar&Olivie- That's not it either!
Randy- ...... *Ow.*
*Kyaa, kyaa.*
Women- Oscar-sama!
Woman1- We came to pick you up.
Woman2- You stood us up yesterday and the day before!!
Woman3- You can make it up to us today!
Oscar- Ok, ladies.
Tonight we're going to dance until dawn.
Randy- Oscar-sama...?
Ideal of a noble knight.
Olivie- Please, you mustn't become like that, Randy.
Julious- What a pity.
Olivie- Ugh, Julious.
*Is the cat out of the bag?*
The Sanctuary is a scary place.
"Don't lose sight of yourself."
I felt I now understood Clavis-sama's words a little.
Julious- *Aren't you taking it seriously?*
Clavis- *I'm fulfilling my obligations.*
Dia- *How is the tea?
How about the cake?*
Lumiale- *I'll play something for you.*
Randy- My stomach is full already.
Luva- Ah, I'm sorry.
Rai- *Don't anyone touch me.*
I came to think that I should become a Guardian of Wind like no one else but me.
But for a while after that,
Olivie- Yoohoo, Randy.
There was nothing to bridge the gap between me and Olivie-sama.
Olivie- As an apology, I'll give you any of my outfits. I'll specially add makeup as a bonus.
Though it doesn't seem likely that you use makeup.
Randy- No thanks.
[Angelique Gaiden/End]