Asuka- November 2002
Yura Kairi
Translation by
Olivie- Every once in a while, telling fortunes with playing cards by myself is good for ennui,
isn't it?
Olivie- Hm?
The warning card...?
Olivie- Kind of ominous...
*knock knock*
Luva- Ah, Olivie, good evening.
Julious- Sorry to interrupt.
Oscar- Hey.
Olivie- What are you all doing together?
*And trooping in here.*
Luva- Ah, since the moon is lovely tonight, following a tradition on a certain planet, I thought
we'd have a "moonlight party".
I'm speaking to everyone.
Luva- How about you too?
Olivie- I can go, but...
Olivie- Instead, Luva, why don't we play cards?
If you beat me, I'll join your moonlight party.
Luva- Huh?
Olivie- Ok?
Luva- Ah, if it's old maid...
Oscar- Hey, if it's poker, I'm in.
Olivie- *We have 4 people.*
Luva- *Poker? Poker, poker.*
Olivie- Really? What about you, Julious?
Julious- Alright. It sounds interesting.
Olivie- Then it's settled!
Olivie- Since we're going through the trouble, aren't we betting anything?
Oscar- If you say so, first I'll wager you.
Oscar- Right, if I win, how about you "go without make-up at work all day tomorrow"?
Naturally, I'll have you refrain from perfume too.
Julious- That's fine.
Olivie- What did you say!?
Oscar- If I lose, I'll do what you say all day tomorrow.
Julious- Then, I'll arrange a special holiday for you with Dia.
Olivie- Julious...
Julious- In exchange, if I win,
Julious- I want to see Clavis' annoyed expression!
Julious- It should be easy for you, shouldn't it?
Olivie- What basis are you saying that on!?
Olivie- What will I do?
They're pretty cunning, these characters...
That confidence of Oscars'... does he have very good cards, or is it simply a bluff?
Though, on the whole, he's usually overconfident.
Olivie- *annoyed*
Julious has polished a serious, calm impudence, and
I can't read him!!
Luva however,
is he really absent minded or calculating...?
Luva- Ah, it seems it's hopeless. I give up.
Olivie- Luva, really?
Luva- Yes, I'm really out of luck.
Julious- What will you do, Olivie?
Oscar- Julious-sama, Olivie wouldn't flinch at a bet like this.
Olivie- Okay, in addition, for a week you'll be my servants.
Is that alright?
Your Majesty, protect me!!
Olivie- I call!!
Oscar- A 7 to 11 straight.
Julious- I have four of a kind of kings.
Olivie- And I have...
A straight flush of hearts!!
Olivie- Call me master!!
Oscar- .........
Luva- Um.
Luva- My card is also the queen of hearts... though.
Luva- How strange.
Oscar- Olivie!!
Olivie- Caught!
Luva- Ah, it's a nice moon, isn't it.
Julious- Truly beautiful.
Olivie- Forgive me.
Oscar- At least it's different. A bunny is no good?
Olivie- Of course it's no good!
Oscar- *Hurry up and come out!*
[To be continued in the December issue (on sale 10/24)]