
Attack Type
Name Type Effect MP
黒曜の矢 Earth Shoots a sharp obsidian arrow, damages 1 enemy. 15
Obsidian Arrow
地の捕縛 Earth Tentacles of solid rock damage 1 enemy. 40
Earth Capture
暗き断崖 Earth Causes a giant fissure, damages all enemies. 55
Dark Precipice
紅の弾丸 Fire Shoots a crimson shining fire ball, damages 1 enemy. 15
Red Bullet
火炎の柱 Fire Makes a pillar of fire flare up, damages all enemies. 25
Pillar of Flame
烈火の嵐 Fire Creates a storm of scorching heat, damages all enemies. 55
Fire Storm
硝子の剣 Water Shoots an ice blade, damages 1 enemy. 25
Glass Sword
氷結の海 Water Suddenly lowers the air temperature, damages all enemies. 45
Frozen Ocean
銀の凍嵐 Water Creates a silver blizzard, damages all enemies. 75
Silver Storm
疾風の矢 Wind Produces a swirling wind arrow, damages 1 enemy. 25
Hurricane Arrow
叫ぶ雷鳴 Wind A streak of lightning strikes, damages 1 enemy. 50
Roaring Thunder
旋風の刃 Wind Produces a tornado of vacuum, damages all enemies. 75
Whirlwind Blade
睡魔の雲   Creates a sleep inducing cloud, puts 1 enemy to sleep. 20
Morpheus Cloud
大気の鎖   High pressure parylizes 1 enemy. 20
Air Chain
沈黙の珠   Makes 1 enemy unable to use magic. 20
Silence Gem
操影の糸   Controls the shadow on the ground, damages 1 enemy. 25
Shadow String
魔力の地平   Absorbs MP from 1 enemy. 50
Magic Horizon

Recovery Type
Name Effect MP
癒しの願い With particles of warm light, recovers (a little) 1 ally's HP. 10
Heal Wish
治癒の祈り With a toxin neutralizing flash, recovers 1 ally's bad status. 15
Cure Prayer
癒しの祈り With a love filled prayer, fully recovers 1 ally's HP. 25
Heal Prayer
癒しの歌声 With a ringing song voice, recovers (moderately) all allies' HP. 70
Heal Song
復活の祈り Infuses a new vitality, revives 1 ally. 99
Revive Prayer

Support Type
Name Effect MP
聖域の盾 Creates a barrier of light, raises 1 ally's defense. 15
Sanctuary Shield
灼熱の刃 Adds the protection of scorching heat to weapons,
raises 1 ally's attack.
Scorching Blade
幻影の衣 Wraps in invisible clothes, raises 1 ally's agility. 15
Phantom Clothes