Talking in your room
You invite the Guardian to have a seat.
If you bought a drink, you can offer it at this point.
Angelique says:
That's it, I can offer something to drink.
What should I do?
お出ししよっと offer
やめよっと stop
If you choose to offer you go over the the shelf and choose the drink.
The Guardian then asks you what you want to talk about.
You get to choose from two of these eight choices.
故郷のこと where they are from
理想の女性像 their ideal woman
苦手な女性像 their least favorite type of woman
趣味の話 their interests
好きな物 things they like
嫌いな物 things they hate
身近なこと things they keep close
物の考え方 what they think about things
If you choose this last one, you will be offered more choices.
外は好きか Do you like to go outside?
仕事は好きか Do you like work?
話は好きか Do you like to talk?
大陸について about the continent
仲間への関心 concerns for friends
女王候補について about the Queen Candidates
Note that all the replies change according to your affinity.
If the conversation starts without you choosing a topic, this is the conversation about
presents. See Special Events: Presents under A Present at the Office.