Lost Items

Sometimes when you talk to the people in the park or at the lake, someone will tell you that they have found something someone lost.

Person: Recently, I found here a (item), but I don't know what I should do.
Would you tell the person who lost this?
まかせといて! leave it to me!
ごめんなさい I'm sorry

When you go see a Guardian you will get their greeting then
That reminds me, I've been entrusted with (item). What should I do?
聞いてみよっと ask
やめとこっと stop

If you ask
Um..., this was found at the park/lake, do you recognize it?

Lost Items
書類 document, belongs to Julious
タロットカード tarot card, belongs to Clavis
タオル towel, belongs to Randy
水色の絵の具 watercolor paint, belongs to Lumiale
白いハンカチ white handkerchief, belongs to Oscar
鳥の餌 bird food, belongs to Marcel
大事そうなネジ important looking screw, belongs to Zephel
指輪 ring, belongs to Olivie
ルアー lure, belongs to Luva