Periodic Inspection

Every 28 days there is a Periodic Inspection where the Queen reviews you and your rival's progress. Rosalia knocks on your door to remind you.

Rosalia: Since you don't know anything, I came to teach you. Today is the first Periodic Inspection in 28 days. You have to go to the Audience Room. You should go quickly. You can't sleep as long as you want.

Angelique: Oh, today I have to go to the Audience Room.
早く行こっと hurry and go
面倒だなぁ… how bothersome...

If you choose to hurry, the inspection will consist of the Priests of each continent reporting the number of buildings, whoever has the most will gain an extra heart.

If you complained, the inspection will consist of each Guardian reporting which Candidate they like best. A Guardian will report as undecided unless there is a 40 point difference in their affinity between you and your rival. Whoever has the most supporters will gain an extra heart.

In case of a tie, no hearts are given.