Free Reading
Although it is supposed to be closed on Saturday, you can still go into the
Fortune-telling Hall for a reading that doesn't cost any hearts.
Sara: Is someone there...? Well, Angelique. On Saturday the Fortune-telling
Hall is closed. Yet you came here for some reason....
You must have love troubles. It can't be helped.
Shall I give you a special reading?
There must be a companion you have in mind. I understand. I will give you your reading.
Tell me the sign and blood-type of the girl with the love troubles.
Now, tell me the sign and blood-type of the boy you have in mind.
She then makes a comment about the personalities of each and tells you the compatability.
Sara: Of course, this is only the result of the reading. What is done depends on you.
That reminds me, tommorow is Sunday. Hang in there.